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Student Blog - Sam - BTEC Level 3 in Sport

"Riseholme college offers good facilities which was evident when I attended the open evening and taster day. The staff and tutors were friendly and the person who showed us around was helpful."

5 Feb 2021 | College

"Riseholme college offers good facilities which was evident when I attended the open evening and taster day. The staff and tutors were friendly and the person who showed us around was helpful."

Student Blog by Sam, BTEC Level 3 in Sport

Why did you choose this course?

I enjoyed BTEC Level 2 Sport at school and did well in it. This course at Riseholme gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of sport. I also want my future career to be around sport or to be a coach.

Why did you choose this college?

Riseholme college offers good facilities which were evident when I attended the open evening and taster day. The staff and tutors were friendly and the person who showed us around was helpful. The college is not too far from where I live and a free bus service gave me the opportunity to travel from home each day.

How is college different from school?

In college, I am treated more as an adult than in school and I'm expected to take responsibility for my own work. Lessons are more informal than at school and this is better because people who have less confidence can feel more at ease. Also, it is easier to get help from a tutor in college as there are fewer pupils in the class.

How have you have found the teaching team at college?

My tutors are very approachable and supportive. Tutors are called by their first names which makes it feel like they consider me an adult and that I can easily talk to them. I know that if I need to ask any questions or have any concerns that they are always available to help me.

What is your experience of teaching and learning since you joined the college?

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, most lessons since I’ve joined college have been online. When lessons were on campus, both the theory and practical side of the sports course were interesting and enjoyable. While not being on campus, ilearn has been the most productive way of doing work and the tutor support during online lessons has been good.

What is your favourite part of the course/college?

My favourite part of the course is the practical side but I also enjoy Anatomy and Physiology.

Where do you hope this course will lead?

As I want a career in the sports industry, I hope that this course will provide all the skills and knowledge needed to get me there.

What positive things did you wish you knew before you came?

I wish I knew that there were so much more career opportunities within the sports industry than just PE teacher, personal trainer and sports physio. For example, I now know that I could be a sports and fitness nutritionist, sports massage therapist and sports writer.

What facilities do you like the most and why?

As I am doing a sports course, I particularly liked the large 3G pitch because I play a lot of football and at lunch time or after lessons, I like to go on there with my friends and play a bit of football. I also like the gym as it provides me with a lot of equipment and is also open to anybody going to the college.

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