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Riseholme College celebrates Institutes of Technology

Riseholme College is proud to be part of the Lincolnshire Institute of Technology and the regional hub for precision agriculture and agri-food technologies.

24 Mar 2022 | College

Riseholme College is proud to be part of the Lincolnshire Institute of Technology and the regional hub for precision agriculture and agri-food technologies.

This month marks three years since the first Institutes of Technology (IoTs) were announced to make a ground-breaking change to the educational landscape through the provision of higher-level technical skills. To celebrate this Riseholme have been participating in a nationwide social media moment, where all IoTs came together collectively to celebrate what we do and what we offer.

Those of you who follow our social media will have noticed that throughout this week we have been posting about the exciting opportunities our role as an IoT presents. Through a £1.2m investment in our purpose-built Centre for Agri-Food Technology and innovative robotics, equipment and technologies the college works with employers and universities to future-proof agriculture and support the future careers of students.

This brilliant facility includes classrooms, dedicated workspaces and precision farming technologies enabling students to experience the very latest techniques and equipment to transform food production and reduce emissions, pollution, waste and soil erosion.

In an exciting nation-wide effort IoTs have been posting simultaneously throughout the week, to collectively shout about the fantastic work and impact the IoTs are having. Here at Riseholme, it’s a fantastic opportunity to celebrate how by upskilling and equipping our students with technical skills we are helping to improve productivity, reduce skills gaps and support growth within the agriculture sector.

Our curriculum has been adapted to meet these challenges head on, designed to support students and prepare them for the increased prevalence of technology within agriculture and ready the next generation of farmers to support a skills gap within the sector. Through a series of new and bespoke higher-level qualifications and free short courses we have created provision across all career phases to introduce, upskill and support.

To find out more about how you could be involved and experience the IoT at Risholme please CLICK HERE to take a look at our courses and provision.

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